Tuppenny Barn is a hectare working organic smallholding growing food to Soil assocaition standards. The site incorporates a rain water harvesting system, bee hives, over 20 growing beds, soft fruit area, flower cutting garden,solar polytunnel, herb area, wildlife pond, large compost producrtion area and a small orchard. The indoor education centre includes a kitchen classroom which is used for fork to fork workshops. Tuppenny Barn grows in harmony with nature so no artificial fertiliesers or chemicals or pesticides are used in their working practises. The site facilitates school visits using the site as an outdoor classroom. Tours are conducted so pupils may see the sustainable parctises implemented such as companion planting, the no dig method & fertility building of the soil by naturaly made feeds, rotted compost & green manures. Wildlife in all shapes & sizes can be seen during the visit although no 2 visits are the same.