Chilled Food Association

Chilled Education provides a unique link between teachers, students and the industry.  Its package of innovative, mainly free, resources is designed by teachers and industry specialists to help make your science lessons even more inspiring, informative and relevant from lesson plans to storecupboard science practical ideas.

Chilled food production in the UK is one of the world’s fastest-growing, most innovative and advanced food sectors. The UK chilled prepared food market is primarily retailer own label, worth &gt £10bn, employs >100,000 people and each year puts 15,000+ different chilled foods on shelves. CFA represents many of the UK’s biggest chilled food manufacturers. Our members supply major retailers with chilled prepared foods ranging from sandwiches to prepared salads, chilled meals and desserts.

Chilled food is our passion and we champion best practice across the industry and campaign actively on its behalf. However, our industry is largely invisible as it produces foods sold under retailers’ brands. In 2011 we founded Chilled Education, a suite of engaging lesson plans, experiments and resources to help food and science teachers and Chilled STEM Ambassadors demonstrate food science and its role in our industry to students and the wider public, with the aim of highlighting our sector’s wealth of ways to turn students’ passion for science into rewarding, opportunity-filled careers helping feed the nation.

For more information about Chilled Education please visit our website.

Chilled Food Association
PO Box 10800 Market Harborough
LE16 0HU
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