Calling all Primary School teachers!
Find out what the Biggest Job on Earth is and Why Farming Matters! This term, LEAF Education in partnership with BASF (Farming: The Biggest Job on Earth) launched the brand new ‘Why Farming Matters’ resource on Countryside Classroom for primary school teachers. Not only can you access the resources HERE on the countryside classroom hub, but you can also register for your FREE hardcopy.
Don’t forget to head over to the LEAF Education website to register for FREE online CPD to help you to inspire pupils about where their food comes from.
Tuesday 31st January 2023, 4-5pm
Thursday 9th February 2023, 4-5pm
Why Does Farming Matter?
Farming is fundamental to the world’s prosperity and ensuring the global population has enough food to eat whist maintaining the natural environment is the biggest job on earth.
As populations around the world continue to grow, the biggest job on earth…has become a lot bigger! Food and farming are topics of great importance to all our lives but, even more significantly, they will involve challenges that children will have to face as they become the consumers, parents, politicians, leaders, and thinkers of the future. They will be confronted with the challenge of feeding more than nine billion people on the planet by 2050. It’s no wonder we think that farming is ‘the Biggest Job On Earth’.
To support your pupils to deepen their understanding of the role of farming in the UK, discover the powerful impact of farming, be encouraged to ask questions, and begin to find out and formulate their own understanding of ‘Why Farming Matters’: Access the FREE resources; sign up to our FREE online teacher CPD; and visit to learn more about how you can inspire, engage, and motivate young people through experiential learning about food production, farming, and the natural environment.
A word from BASF... With food, it all begins with farming.
For every meal that ends up on our plate, a farmer has grown or raised the ingredients. Without farming, we can’t hope to realise our true potential and that’s why we at BASF believe farming is the Biggest Job on Earth. There are so many challenges that impact how we can farm from the climate to the land we have available, but nothing changes the fact that an ever-growing population need to be fed. Ensuring that people value the time, effort and knowledge that goes into producing food mean farmers can focus on delivering the best yields and quality and continue to preserve our natural environment.
That’s why we are honoured to partner with LEAF Education to update the ‘Why Farming Matters’ school’s resource to help inform generations now and in the future about the impact of farming on food production and other less known activities such as sustainable energy supplies. As a planet, we are looking to be more sustainable in all aspects of our lives and farming is no exception. How we utilise the land we have now will impact how we can farm in the future. Throughout ‘Why Farming Matters’, we hope to demonstrate the measures farmers undertake to find the right balance between food production and preserving the natural environment such as soil health, crop rotations and ensuring we have land where wildlife can thrive. The agricultural industry covers a broad spectrum of careers from farming right through to food and energy production. We hope the resource can inspire young people to want to find out more about farming and look at ways they can make a positive impact on sustainable food and energy production and quite possibly pique interest for a career in the industry in the future.