There is a wealth of wonderful opportunities working in food, farming and the environment, discover the wide selection of teaching resources and support available from experts in each sector.
- Help your learners discover the many Career Paths in the Chilled Food Industry that are on offer with competitive salaries, career progression, the chance to travel and, most importantly, huge variety!
- This Careers in Food poster and supporting case studies produced by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board gives valuable guidance and inspiration to students when considering options for next steps and their future career.
- Inspire your students with a Virtual Tour of a Farm! Organised by LEAF Education this online event will highlight the many jobs and careers connected to the food they eat.
- Find out about the amazing Chefs’ Apprenticeship Schemes available through our partner the Royal Academy of Culinary Arts, for younger children discover how to invite chefs into your school with the Adopt A School initiative.
- The Institute for Agriculture ad Horticulture (TIAH) have an amazing Careers Advice Hub which brings information together on the jobs available in farming and growing and the bursaries, competitions and organisations which can help careers seekers get into those roles. TIAH also have this fantastic Careers in Farming and Growing resource to explore the many job roles available in this industry and what steps to take next to enter this sector.
- This 45-minute virtual Careers in Food & Farming Tour will introduce students to a variety of careers in farming and food production, linking perfectly with STEM subjects and career education.
- We Are Land-based Engineering has produced an excellent What could I do as a job? resource all about the exciting job roles involved in technology, innovative machinery and equipment supplied by a wide range of employer and company types in farming. A great starter activity in the form of a funky shot video about what land based Engineering is can be found HERE.
- The world of horticulture has dozens of roles – explore the diverse range in this dedicated page all about Careers in Horticulture produced by the Royal Horticulture Society
- These Countryside Jobs Profiles produced by the Countryside Jobs Service are written by people actually working in the field and explain exactly what a job working in the countryside entails, the qualifications and skills they need and offer useful advice to young people.
- From an introduction to the sustainable food production process to a deep dive into animal welfare and environmental management, this Springpod Programme produced by TIAH has it all!
- Find out about how young people are gaining valuable work experience on our waterways, with this Kickstarting Young Careers page produced by the Canal & River Trust.
- These Career Cards produced by National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs in collaboration with LEAF Education are perfect for introducing students to a range of careers in food, farming and the environment.