National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs (NFYFC)

Agriculture and rural life is at the heart of YFC and has been since the first club was founded almost a century ago. The NFYFC was established for the purpose of advancing the education of its members and their knowledge of agriculture, rural issues and country life. It also aims to promote agriculture as an attractive and viable career choice and help showcase the many career opportunities in the food and farming industries.

NFYFC’s constitutional aims include:

  • Advancing education and knowledge of agriculture, life skills, rural affairs and country life
  • Developing self-reliance and individual responsibility
  • Training members to play their full part in the life of the movement and of the community

Events are devised by members for members using NFYFC’s guiding framework of compliance advice and policies, national events, travel, training, agricultural and personal development opportunities.

The federation is made up of a national council of 63 members, associate members and co-options from across England and Wales and supported by a national staff team. The council is charged with deciding on the overall policy for the federation, continuing the development and leadership of YFCs to meet the needs of its members and developing the status and image of YFC to the outside world. It is elected by YFC members to represent their views.

Through steering groups, the national council also decides and shapes the programme of work at NFYFC - planning events, competitions, campaigns and training for members. One of NFYFC’s latest Curve training modules promotes the food and farming narrative and career opportunities aimed at Year 9. This is a collaborative project devised by NFYFC and LEAF Education and championed by YFC members.

National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs (NFYFC)
YFC Centre 10th Street
Stoneleigh Park
CV8 2LG 024 7685 7200
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