With fine panoramic views to the sea and Bodmin Moor, the Neolithic Hill Fort 'Bury Down' is considered to be a fine national example of its kind. Situated on the Domesday listed farm of Botelet, stewardship work taking place at Botelet includes reinstating a 17th century garden walkway, orchard, meadow and hedge restoration, opening up a green lane and wet woodland walk with mine and mill ruins along with plans to repair traditional farm buildings. The Tamblyn family have farmed here since 1860 and welcome educational visits to the hill fort as well as to the farm and deciduous woodland. With a qualified teacher as a member of the Botelet team, the Tamblyn family enjoy working with schools to develop a tailor-made programme for visits, linking with classroom topics to enhance the curriculum. In addition to visiting Bury Down, previous school visits have included activities such as learning about farming practices, searching for mini beasts, exploring the colours of nature, buildings dams and dens in the wood and wildlife species identification. Do get in touch to share your ideas and develop a programme for your visit.