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Keeley Smith

In depth, progressive training and support for growing, farming and animal care in education. Engaging senior leaders, governors and funders, planning curriculum links, delivering therapeutic outcomes for SEMH and SEND. Building a land- based project in your school that offers vital support for your students and community.
Teacher, gardener, animal care lecturer, school farm manager, assistant CEO of care farm/ SEND school, community gardener, permaculture practitioner. Chair of School Farms Network.


BA (hons), PGCE, Gardeniser trainer


Bespoke CPD and support, contact to discuss your needs.
I deliver some pro bono work for a limited number of projects per year and can also help with funding bids and business planning to enable bought in services.
Online 8 week CPD course, Cultivating Schools: £199 per person.

Type of support

Support, consultancy and CPD for growing and keeping animals in schools and education projects. Online CPD courses: Growing Teachers; Cultivating Schools. You already know how to grow some veg, I'm here to help you get everyone involved and deliver meaningful outcomes, the ones your setting really needs. My aims are to ensure that schools are delivering the highest welfare, the most sustainable growing, that they can tackle food poverty, community engagement, truancy, life skills, social skills, better attendance, fewer exclusions... I'll also help you to grow veg!


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